
Smart exam preparation


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The purpose of the project is to put the complex process of content generation largely in the hands of AI. However, should not blindly rely on AI-generated content, all content must still be checked by the so-called human in the loop process. This is specifically about content for exam preparation, but the same can be generalized to any (learning) content.

The app itself consists of a backend, implemented in Azure with Azure Functions. Programmed in Python, the backend covers the actual intelligent part of the app. The responsive frontend, which uses standard web technologies (PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript), displays the received data clearly. The app also runs on mobile devices, layout and special events (touch etc.) have been adapted. Any many languages are supported.

Content generation

HR area

Book upload

The generation of content follows a specific sequence. First, documents on a specific topic (course) are uploaded. Then tests and the corresponding questions are generated in any number. These are available in several variants, as multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false questions. There are also open questions. In addition, there are relevant notes and explanations for all questions. All content is then checked by the subject specialists and activated if correct. The whole process must of course be constantly adaptation and optimization, as the AI sector is developing rapidly.

Control data

Generate test

The most important AI tasks are extracting topics from the content, assigning relevant text parts (chunks) to a specific topic and generating different questions in different question types on this topic. The questions always include correct and incorrect answers, hints and explanations.

Examination and tests

User area

Cloze question

The user can then immediately test exam questions on their booked topics or take exams. The questions appear mixed in the different question variants. Relevant information and explanations are provided for correct or incorrect answers in tests. Not in exams. At the end, he receives a brief overview and can view some statistics on his learning behavior at any time.

True/False Question


Test result

Test statistics

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